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What are they?

These are interaction handlers! A simple class you can extend to handle almost all the interactions you may receive in your bot, in a simple, clean and abstract way.

They are located in the interaction-handlers folder in your bot (just like how you most likely have a commands folder or a listeners folder). Same rules apply when it comes to loading and everything!

How does it work?

When creating your interaction handler, you have to specify the type it is. Here are the current types available:

Enum NameWhat it will run for
AutocompleteAutocomplete for interaction commands
ButtonButton presses
ModalSubmitPop up modals
MessageComponentAny message component interactions received (Buttons and Select Menus currently)
SelectMenuDrop-down menus in messages

These types define what the handler should get. For instance, specifying a Button interaction handler type will make that handler receive just button interactions.

But that's not all! There's also a parse method which can be used for even more granular control (read below).


By default, there is no filter for the parse method! This means you'll get all interactions of that type, and if you want to override that (for example to only run that handler for certain ids), you'll want to override the parse method in your code!

The parse method

When you're creating handlers, you may want to run certain handlers only when the custom id matches something you want. In order to allow filtering, as well as optional additional pre-parsing of the custom id, we provide the parse method on handlers, which you should override with your own code. The return of the parse method must be a Some / None, which you can do with the provided shortcuts in the class: this.some() and this.none().


Returning a some means that the handler's run method should be called. Returning a none means this handler should be skipped for that interaction. If you've used our Args system, this might seem familiar with the ok/err that is present there.

What you return in the some is up to you! You can return nothing (be it null or undefined), a boolean, an object, a class, a box of hugs, you name it! But, if the handler should run, you must return a some of some kind (you can use the this.some() shortcut for it).


If this function throws an error, the handler will be skipped and an interactionHandlerParseError event will be emitted!

Couldn't you shove everything in the parse method?

The (sad) answer is... sort of.

You should not shove everything in the parse method. It is meant strictly for filtering the custom id or the data received before actually working on it (for instance prefetching data from a database). It's done in this way to make you abstract the validation from the processing of the interaction.

Example parse methods

What you do in the parse method is up to you, however, we encourage keeping the parse method super simple and fast - remember, you must reply to interactions in at max 3 seconds!

With that said, if you know your interaction handler in total will take more than 3 seconds to complete, you should call the deferReply method in the parse method. That way, users will know your bot is processing instead of getting a The application did not respond in time message.

const { InteractionHandler, InteractionHandlerTypes } = require('@sapphire/framework');

class ParseExampleInteractionHandler extends InteractionHandler {
constructor(ctx) {
super(ctx, { interactionHandlerType: InteractionHandlerTypes.Button });

// We'll look a little later in this guide on how to type this method, but for now, we'll type it as any.
async run(interaction, awesomenessLevel) {
// The `awesomenessLevel` variable has what we returned in the `parse` method's
// `this.some`! In this example, we just show it to the user
await interaction.reply({
content: `Your awesomeness level is: **${awesomenessLevel}**`

parse(interaction) {
// If the custom id does not start with `is-user-awesome`, we do not want this
// handler to run.
if (!interaction.customId.startsWith('is-user-awesome')) return this.none();

// Here we return a `Some` as said above, in this case passing 9001 to it
// which we get back in the `run` method as the awesomneness level
return this.some(9001);
module.exports = {

This is only an example of what you can use the parse method for - custom id filtering. You can do much more - as seen below - like prefetching data from your database, or running long tasks, or whatever you want!

Example parse method with deferring a long task

const { InteractionHandler, InteractionHandlerTypes } = require('@sapphire/framework');

class ExampleParseMethod extends InteractionHandler {
constructor(ctx) {
super(ctx, { interactionHandlerType: InteractionHandlerTypes.Button });

async run(interaction, result) {
await interaction.editReply({
content: `The long running task ${result.success ? 'succeeded' : 'failed'}!`

async parse(interaction) {
if (!interaction.customId.startsWith('long-running-task')) return this.none();

// Defer the interaction here as what we will do might take some time
await interaction.deferReply();

const result = await fetchDataThatMightTakeALongWhile(interaction.customId);

return this.some(result);
module.exports = {

As you can see above, you can also use async / await to do anything that may need a promise. Do keep in mind the 3 second initial response limit! If you don't know how long your parse method will take to complete, please make sure to defer your reply (an example can be seen above) before proceeding!

How do we actually use all of this?

I'm glad you asked! Here's an example that handles all button presses and returns the "ping" (the delay from the moment the button was pressed until the moment you received it)

const { InteractionHandler, InteractionHandlerTypes } = require('@sapphire/framework');

class HowDoWeUseThemExample extends InteractionHandler {
constructor(ctx, options) {
super(ctx, {
interactionHandlerType: InteractionHandlerTypes.Button

async run(interaction, project) {
await interaction.reply({
content: `The first project in TypeScript is called: ${}`

async parse(interaction) {
if (interaction.customId !== 'awesome-typescript') return this.none();

const dataFromDatabase = await this.container.prisma.project.findFirst({
where: { projectLanguage: 'typescript' }

return this.some(dataFromDatabase);
module.exports = {

The ParseResult utility type


This is for TypeScript users only. You may safely ignore this if you're not using TypeScript.

There is a utility type on the InteractionHandler class called ParseResult that ensures whatever you return in your parse method is what you'll get in the run method, with automatic updates! Here's how to do that:

const { InteractionHandler, InteractionHandlerTypes } = require('@sapphire/framework');

class ParseResultExample extends InteractionHandler {
constructor(ctx, options) {
super(ctx, {
interactionHandlerType: InteractionHandlerTypes.Button

// Peep the `InteractionHandler.ParseResult`. It's the utility type you can use to ensure
// that whatever you return in `parse` is what you get here, automagically! (works with Promises too!)
async run(interaction, parsedData) {
await interaction.reply({
content: `Utility types are ${parsedData.awesome ? 'AWESOME!' : 'still awesome'}`

parse() {
return this.some({ awesome: true });
module.exports = {