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Creating your own listeners

Similar to what you learned in both Creating Commands and Creating Preconditions, we will create a listeners subdirectory in your project's entry point directory. In this document, we'll make a ready event listener.

Your directory should now look something like this:

├── node_modules
├── package.json
└── src
├── commands
│ └── ping.js
├── index.js
└── listeners
└── ready.js

Creating a listener class

To create a listener in Sapphire, the Listener class needs to be extended from @sapphire/framework and exported from a listener file.

const { Listener } = require('@sapphire/framework');

class ReadyListener extends Listener {}
module.exports = {

Let's begin populating the listener class with our desired options, specifying that it'll only run once and listens for the ready event:

const { Listener } = require('@sapphire/framework');

class ReadyListener extends Listener {
constructor(context, options) {
super(context, {
once: true,
event: 'ready'
module.exports = {

An overview of what's defined in the constructor:

  • context: an object that contains file metadata required by the Piece class (which Command extends) in order to function.
  • name: by default, the name of the file without the extension, i.e. ready.js becomes ready, so there's no need to define it.
  • event: by default, the resolved name, which represents the event to listen for.
  • once: by default false, but since we want the listener to fire only once, we will set it to true.

If you pay attention to the example, the event field is unnecessary. This allows you to omit constructors when the file name matches the event's name and no other options need to be changed.

Creating the run method


Unlike commands, listeners use run methods instead of messageRun. This distinction is made because listeners do not typically run from message contexts, and commands need different methods to support slash commands or context actions.

Listeners have a run method, which executes the listener logic. Define this below the listener's constructor:

const { Listener } = require('@sapphire/framework');

class ReadyListener extends Listener {
run(client) {
const { username, id } = client.user;`Successfully logged in as ${username} (${id})`);
module.exports = {

Once discord.js emits the ready event, run will be executed, and the piece will then be unloaded since once is set. This code is equivalent to the following:

client.once('ready', (client) => {
const { username, id } = client.user;`Successfully logged in as ${username} (${id})`);

Duplicated listeners

You may want to create multiple listeners executing different logic that listen to the same event for use cases like auto-moderation. While Sapphire does not allow you to declare pieces with the same name, you can give them different names and specify the same event field.

A common practice is to name the listeners by joining the event's name with the purpose of the piece. For example, if you have a guildMemberAdd listener that sends a log to a channel and another that sends a greeting message, you can name them guildMemberAddSendLog and guildMemberAddSendGreeting respectively, specifying { event: 'guildMemberAdd' } in both of their options.